Enrica Savigni on the Romantic Guitar
If you are a guitarist interested in historically informed performance (like me!), then you need to check out this presentation by Enrica Savigni.
Shad Gregory's Blog
If you are a guitarist interested in historically informed performance (like me!), then you need to check out this presentation by Enrica Savigni.
One of the many great tips at this article at howardism.org is to remember to use keep-lines/flush-lines instead of grep. One of the great features of eshell is ability to redirect output to a buffer.
ls | sed G > #<mybuffer>
Now you can switch to mybuffer and use M-x keep-lines to find, say, all the text files.
I've gotten a little sick of the "~" files littering my directories. Fortunately, adding the following to your init.el will send the backup files to one place in a single directory:
(setq backup-directory-alist '(("" . "~/.emacs.d/backup")))
If you're going to interview, you better know FizzBuzz:
(defn fizzbuzz [n]
(doseq [x (range 1 n)]
(and (zero? (mod x 5))
(zero? (mod x 3))) (prn "FizzBuzz")
(zero? (mod x 3)) (prn "Fizz")
(zero? (mod x 5)) (prn "Buzz")
:else (prn x))))
(fizzbuzz 10)
It's about damned time.