
Shad Gregory's Blog

The Little Learner

07/04/2023 16:31 :: scheme

I'm a big fan of the 'little' series of books, so I was excited to get my copy of The Little Learner. And boy oh boy, it's a thick-o. It's gotta be at least three times as thick as the 'Little Schemer.' I guess Little is more of a branding thing now. It still has the same two column format and goofy cartoons, so I'm happy.

Enrica Savigni on the Romantic Guitar

03/16/2023 21:19 :: guitar

If you are a guitarist interested in historically informed performance (like me!), then you need to check out this presentation by Enrica Savigni.

Emacs is pretty good at text processing.

02/15/2023 12:00 :: emacs

One of the many great tips at this article at howardism.org is to remember to use keep-lines/flush-lines instead of grep. One of the great features of eshell is ability to redirect output to a buffer.

ls | sed G > #<mybuffer>

Now you can switch to mybuffer and use M-x keep-lines to find, say, all the text files.

Emacs backup files

01/23/2023 16:07 :: emacs

I've gotten a little sick of the "~" files littering my directories. Fortunately, adding the following to your init.el will send the backup files to one place in a single directory:

(setq backup-directory-alist '(("" . "~/.emacs.d/backup")))